We caught up with graduate of Nottingham Trent University and award winner at GFW25, Rosella May, to see what she's been up to since the long days of sewing and toiling to put together a collection to send down the catwalk in Truman Brewery. It's been a busy yet exciting year for the young designer- read on to find out more about her time working alongside SEO Jarkata in Indonesia, experiences designing within a different culture and what it's like to now be a junior denim designer at Calvin Klein!
Graduate Fashion Week 25th Anniversary graduates Anita Atuobi, UCA Epsom & Som Kerdsiri, Edinburgh College of Art feature in Wonderland Magazine, New Threads.
We caught up with our 25th Anniversary award winners to ask them about their experience of GFW, how they got there and what they have planned for their futures in fashion!
We caught up with our 25th Anniversary award winners to ask them about their experience of GFW, how they got there and what they have planned for their futures in fashion!
We caught up with our 25th Anniversary award winners to ask them about their experience of GFW, how they got there and what they have planned for their futures in fashion!
We caught up with our 25th Anniversary award winners to ask them about their experience of GFW, how they got there and what they have planned for their futures in fashion!
We caught up with our 25th Anniversary award winners to ask them about their experience of GFW, how they got there and what they have planned for their futures in fashion!