Meet Krishma Sabbarwal, a 2018 fashion textiles graduate from East London University.

Krishma talks to Graduate Fashion Foundation about her work developement since graduating in 2018 and how she continues to be inspired by exploring culture, immigration and sustainabilty within her brand.

What is the most valuable thing you have learnt at university?

Apart from the technical skills such as screen printing, sewing and pattern cutting the most valuable thing I learnt was the power of my voice. I started university as a shy student who only spoke when prompted to and during my final year I started online petitions for deadline changes for the student body, speaking up about issues affecting people and translating social, political, environmental issues through my textiles and fashion design.

Tell us about your current projects and work, what have you been working on?

Throughout 2020 I have been working on my second collection made from offcut materials, secondhand garments, naturally dyed and knitted with donated yarn from Wool and the gang. International shows I had planned unfortunately have been cancelled or delayed due to the current situation. I was selected for Digital Moscow Fashion Week in September which will now take place at a later date. I was also a finalist for Fashion Week Online X Mikeysline competition which raises awareness for mental health issues.

What form does your work take?

Garments, film and editorial images

How have you evolved as a young creative since graduating in 201?

I've learnt how to manage my time way better, in university you have multiple modules to manage but nearly always around the topic of fashion. Having a full-time job as well as pursuing my fashion brand requires good time management skills and prioritising my workloads. I feel my concepts have evolved to become more personal and meaningful to me, I am using my skills and talent to bring awareness to important social topics.

What are the messages and themes behind your project that you want people to take away? Do explore any topics like diversity, sustainability or politics in your work?

YES! My collections so far have explored immigration, Grenfell Tower, racism, social and political issues. My graduate collection was titled 'I come to your country and steal all your jobs' which was shown at Graduate Fashion Week 2018 and I had my own sponsored show at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia in April 2019. I create with a considered design approach, I source my materials from factory offcuts and waste, secondhand shops, donations from people and started to experiment with natural dyes with my latest collection.

What’s an aspect of the fashion industry that you’re passionate about fixing or having a positive impact on?

Representation. The fashion industry as it stands is not a diverse environment, its not aspiration for a South Asian WOC to not see people who look more like me in senior positions within the fashion industry. People of colour, Black Asian Minority Ethnic people, we sometimes have to be our own inspirations, muses and are often be 'first' or the 'token' POC/BAME in many fashions (and other professional) spaces. We need to fix the tired tradition of 'unpaid internships' labour should not be free under any circumstances, even for 'exposure' or association by name. Majority of the time people who can afford to take unpaid internships in areas such as London are people from affluent backgrounds. We don't have time for classism anymore, let's level the playing field and make internships and work experiences more accessible. Fast fashion, racial divide, representation, diversity are all aspects of the industry I feel passionate about and want to positively impact. I am not afraid of holding people accountable or asking uncomfortable questions to industry leaders and experts.

What is your plan for the future?

Create create create! I wanted to start a masters course this year, but an online experience wasn’t for me currently. Maybe once the COVID situation is under control, I'll look more into this. I plan to create my 2021 collection and focusing on the international shows which were delayed due to the current situation. So much planned for the future :)