He’s previously been described as the ‘UK’s most flamboyant dresser’ so as you can imagine, many heads turned when Daniel Lismore walked on to the GFW Live! Stage. The British artist, stylist and designer talked about his new book, entitled ‘Be Yourself Because Everyone Else Is Taken’ plus the inspirations and influences for his eccentric and unique style.

Using his body as a canvas, he talked about his fascination with the dressing up box as a child, which has subsequently led him to travel all around the world and collect various interesting pieces since. He stressed the importance of wearing what you want, and described how he had used his personal style as an armour to hide behind rather something which is attention seeking.

When asked about people who had inspired him, he expressed his love of fashion icon Isabella Blow and Italian fashion writer Anna Piagi, as well as the impact of certain nightclubs in London and the famous faces that have attended them. The most important message, though, was his enthusiasm to encourage individuals to wear what they want, rather than ‘fitting in’ and conforming to society's ideals. 

An extensive collection of his personal wardrobe is currently being shown at the SCAD Fashion Museum and his book is out now.

Words by Hannah Stacpoole