As the illusion of social media is revealed by more and more people choosing to present themselves, their true selves on various digital platforms, inclusivity and diversity have become words synonymous with many influencers. We're proud to work with pioneers, those at the forefront of movements fighting for positive fashion.
One of these movers and shakers, is Danielle Vanier. The 2016 InStyle Curve Influencer of the Year started to blog to ensure that people of all shapes and sizes were being represented fairly within the fashion industry, showing that fashion is about feeling good about who you are, whoever that is.
Behind the scenes of our recent GFW18 campaign photoshoot, we caught up with Danielle to discuss the importance of supporting new talent, why gender fluid pieces are the future, and who she cannot get enough of on instagram.
Firstly what made you wanna be involved with Graduate Fashion Week?
I think it’s a really exciting opportunity for emerging talent to be able to showcase what they’ve done and what they’ve produced, and I think that’s what’s so good about the UK fashion scene is that it really looks after it’s sort of growing talent base and it’s just a really exciting opportunity, I love fashion so it’s good.
Which graduate collections have caught your eye today, here at the GFW18 campaign photoshoot?
I actually love a lot of the menswear pieces and being plus size I love a lot of the oversized pieces there’s a lot of items that would work for whatever gender you are, I quite like the gender fluid pieces. Yeah, it’s a really interesting mix of stuff!
Social media can make it difficult for people to show who they really are, as they get caught up in presenting perfection. How do you stay true to yourself on social media?
I think it’s just being as authentic as possible really because, yeah so, many bloggers sort of portray this perfect life style and life isn’t like that so, I use my social platforms like Instagram stories basically to really show the highs and the lows of everything - to show that I am just a normal woman living in this mad world.
How did you end up becoming an influencer?
I have always worked in the fashion industry and I started my blog because I just realised that there just wasn’t enough people who looked like me in the media. I wanted to try and change that. When I was growing up I didn’t have anyone who looked like me to feel included in the fashion world or whatever so I wanted to try and help reach out to women and men to say look it’s okay no matter what shape or size you are you can still look and feel good about yourself!
There are lots of students at the moment that are stressed and trying to get all their collections ready - in the studio till late at night! What advice would you give them?
I used to go to Chelsea College of Art and Design, so I totally get it! Take it one day at a time and take it one task at a time because if you look the big picture that can seem really overwhelming! So if you just try to get through the next critique, or the next exam and or the next presentation, then it’s baby steps as opposed to the whole thing! Things will go wrong, things will change, stuff gets in the way illness, life whatever!
And lastly, what’s your favourite account on Instagram?
So I love, itsmekellyb, she is a fellow plus size influencer, she is a woman of colour, and I think she does styling and fashion and using her voice and Youtube and her platforms really amazingly! I like, as far as a brand goes I love Monki, because I love how inclusive they are and how diverse the models and captions that they put out are!
Words by Annabel Waterhouse-Biggins
Photography by Stefan Jakubowski